Need a new Current Account?
Switching is easy with a Current Account from Claddagh Credit Union.
Step 1: Open Your Current account
Find out how to here
Step 2: Switch Your Current Account to Claddagh Credit Union
Once you’ve opened your current account, we will organise the switch for you:
- We will set up all your active standing orders on your new account.
- We will arrange with your ‘old bank’ to contact your Direct Debit originators to advise them of your new Current Account details.
- You simply complete the Switcher Forms and we will look after everything after that.
- We have dedicated Switching Officers and any member of staff will be able to guide you through the process.
- Our Switcher Pack has all the information you will need. Make sure to pick up a Switcher Pack in branch when you are opening your new Current Account or download it here: