You can now manage your daily finances no matter where you are in the world. With access to your funds in-branch, online or on the app, Current Account from your credit union gives you all the benefits you expect, but with the personal touch of your trusted credit union.
Features & Benefits
What you can expect…
- Easy sign up
- Friendly service
- Globally accepted Mastercard® Debit Card
- Mobile App
- Google Pay, Apple Pay, Google Wallet
- Use in-store, online or at ATMs
- Cashback available at participating retailers
- Contactless payment
- Transparent Fees
- No surcharge interest on overdrafts
- Automate regular payments using Standing Orders & Direct Debits
- You’re in control with cuOnline+, eStatements and eFee Advices
- Secure online shopping
- 24/7 support for lost/stolen debit cards